Monster Green Isn't Just A Color
Here are just some things Monster is doing to support the environment
Creating and maintaining a company focused on sustainability is one of Monster's priorities. From our environmentally friendly packaging to our installation of solar arrays, we are constantly looking for ways to reduce our impact on the environment. If we don't take care of our planet, our Monster Athletes won't have snow to snowboard, forests to bike, or air to, well, breathe!

97% of Monster products are packaged in 100% recyclable aluminum cans. Recycled aluminum makes up 68-73% of a Monster can, which uses 90% less energy to make versus using new aluminum. Aluminum is the most recycled consumer product and can be used an infinite number of times to create new aluminum products. It also allows consumers to easily participate in conservation efforts.

Monster is installing solar panels in each of its major facilities. When complete, carbon dioxide emission will be reduced by approximately 5,258 metric tons per year.

Emission Reduction
Monster has committed to setting near-term science-based emissions reduction targets, doing its part in the fight against climate change.

Monster aims to monitor and manage our use of water in order to:
- Use water efficiently;
- Reduce the amount of water used (per liter of production) in our beverage manufacturing plants; and
- Ensure quality and continuity of water supply for our products.
Water efficiency technology saves approximately 200,000 gallons of water every year.

Landfill Waste Reduction
Monster ended the use of single-use plastic water bottles for HQ employees, eliminating 750,000 plastic bottles per year. Recycling and compost bins are located throughout Monster buildings to facilitate landfill waste reduction. Our warehouses recycle hundreds of thousands of pounds of material per year.

Reforestation / Climate Stability
Monster donated funds to plant 100,000 trees to reforest fragile land hit by wildfires and to promote Climate Stability — Enough trees to fill five Central Parks. Tree planting is in process and will be completed by May 31, 2024.

All new U.S. Monster Energy in-store refrigerators are ENERGY STAR rated. When taken out of service, the refrigerators are recycled.

Monster is regionalizing manufacturing to cut miles traveled, most recently in Malaysia, South Africa and Chile.

Employee Commuting
Some employees telecommute certain days of the week which contributes to an approximate 40% reduction in commuting days to the office.

Encouraging Electric Vehicle Usage
Monster is in the process of installing Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in its Headquarters facility to encourage employee electric vehicle usage. Monster will allow employees to charge their EV's for free.

Monster gives all employees paid volunteer time off each year — we clean rivers, beaches, and farmlands across the country.